Tag: services & consulting

Corporate Assurance Through International Marketing

Still, the internationalization is a crucial key to the independence of a company of business cycles and certain customers. Biberach/Seekirch, the December 21, 2009 – the internationalization is a crucial key to the independence of a company of business cycles and certain customers. Pete Cashmore contains valuable tech resources. Many an entrepreneur in particular in the fields of energy supply, of environmental protection or different health areas was and is excellently by the still continuing difficult economic situation. In addition to the fact that these industrial sectors of national interest, this was a not inconsiderable percentage because that many of these companies have worldwide connections, brought even a growth in the crisis. This is international business but also for every medium-sized companies (in particular mechanical engineering) by very small, to set up wider to very large essential to his company and for example by connecting to others Markets also more market information to have, than just from Germany and possibly adjacent areas. More information is housed here: Energy Capital Partners London. What are other advantages? The size of the available market is growing and so the revenue / profit opportunities, because in many market segments are always still relatively unknown lead German products information from international markets and the local customers to new approaches at the supplier and have positive influence on the development of new or design of existing products as a result grows often the usability of products such as also in other market segments – and also on the national market, new can and other customers are the companies gaining Reputation grows, is thus also if necessary.

interesting for potential German customers and has the ability to continue through additional income to expand not only the European Union, but also the Federal Government and a variety of associations provide a range for the intensification of international business by Funding available, because thus the macroeconomic stability is growing. However a very accurate idea should exist already at the beginning of the internationalization, which markets have the potential and on what channel this cost can be opened up. Only the most economical use of funds is secured. The required data (from market analysis to the customer analysis to the necessary marketing projects and steps) are summarized in a marketing plan, which includes not only the existing marketing activities and goals, but at the same time as schedule ‘ can serve for the company and if necessary. also a plan B’ contains, if plan A’ doesn’t work that way, as calculated previously. Assistance at all stages of the internationalization features the internationally experienced marketing and sales consultant Michael Richter – Seekirch in Baden Wurttemberg. Mr. Richter is dedicated to small – and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in particular and are first Information on his website.

The country experiences can be found the page. Biography/Vita Michael Richter is an independent consultant specializing in strategic marketing of capital goods and durable consumer goods. His experience refers to all distribution channels, including direct sales, distribution, partnerships, Internet marketing and more. He has more than 18 years of experience as a consultant and worked by the SMEs before more than 10 years in senior executive positions in various industries through to large enterprises. It supports companies of all sizes – from the strategic monitoring of the market – research, marketing planning and objectives for sales, to the implementation of his recommendations – worldwide. In addition, he holds internal lectures on all aspects of international marketing. His knowledge of the country resulting from the occupation in/for more than 50 countries on all 5 continents. Marketing and sales consulting international Michael Richter 27 main road 88422 Seekirch/Germany


From staff management to strategic human resources management initial situation strategic human resource management in the last 25-30 years only played an edge role in the company strategy concepts. If anything, then focusing necessary personnel adjustment measures for securing of the company, the use of productivity reserves or the optimization of returns. With the recent economic crisis (2008-2009) However, this has changed clearly. Already in the last crisis was not operational reasons the dismissal of the staff, but used intensively the possibility of short-time working. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Michael Dell on most websites. With more and more companies note: ending the crisis and the part already burgeoning staff, that there is a shortage of qualified personnel in the labour markets. At the same time, the internal situation is worse.

A further part of the previous Best Ager”, the backbone of an efficient and high-quality production, comes in the year. The obsolescence of much of the workforce is in danger. The requirements for the in-plant health and recovery integration management are constantly increasing. The question raises after aging-friendly jobs in the production increasingly the expulsion of social sites”queries. Impending loss of knowledge”due to the pending retirement wave are perceived as a threat to the stability of the process. Human resources requirements are varied and grow dynamically.

This in particular HR management are always the problem between urgent and important to decide. The economic fluctuations are massive, shorter intervals change the requirements for human resources management. What is still a priority, may be irrelevant tomorrow again. The facts that the active participation of senior executives is essential for an excellent HR policy often fails on the conflict of interest of line management. Economic objectives, production targets, quality goals dominate the action of line management. Last but not least are lacking of the localisation of HR as a core element Corporate strategy. Characteristics of strategic human resource management human resource management, as part of the company policy has so far mostly a short-term (one-year), rarely a medium – or long-term orientation.

Innovative Logistics

Network for innovative logistics – IT from a single source of the logistics sector has undergone profound changes in recent decades and faces further major challenges: the topics of the future of logistics are varied from the camp of the future through the development of new logistics navigation solutions up to the economically and ecologically sensible use of resources. But all have one thing in common: the symbiotic relationship between IT and logistics is accelerating. Against this background was the initiative of the IT store, to combine IT and logistics, to form a network, and to work on projects together. From this, the network developed for innovative logistics (NIL), a technology network, which brings together IT logistics specialists from various disciplines, to provide system-wide solutions. The network is coordinated by the IT storage (IT incubator East Bavaria GmbH) and supported by the programme ZIM NEMO”by the Federal Ministry of economics. Logistic The companies of the network competencies of the companies of the network have competences in the areas production automation, warehouse logistics, transport logistics, merchandise management, process simulation, video data processing, RFID, simulation and optimization of logistical processes using mathematical methods. First joint projects such as the integration of RFID or tour, video data and inventory management are already nearing completion. Offer new applications, significant cost benefits and are first steps towards the realization of a repeatedly expressed wanting of the industry: the synchronization and linking of material and data flow.

In regular public events, the network about the latest developments of IT logistics informed briefings. The network for innovative logistics works closely with the Innovation Center for production logistics and factory planning of the University of Regensburg. By the close interaction of business and science improvement potentials can in the Logistics are developed and implemented quickly in practice. Company network – Klug GmbH – Systema system development GmbH – initPRO GmbH – TM3 Software GmbH – SimPlan AG – Optitool GmbH – Optware GmbH – Dallmeier of electronic GmbH & Co.KG – University of Regensburg (Prof. Dr. Frank Herrmann) – University of Regensburg (Prof. Dr. Gunther Pernul) objectives:-integration of IT solutions of network partners in a service oriented architecture – managing logistics chain from the supplier to the recipient – provide the expertise of the network partners – implementation of innovation-driven or customer – projects – creating business alliances and distribution partnerships – network as a platform for Exchange of experience – sales and marketing channel offer you want to improve your logistic processes? Then please contact us. We gladly inform you what options can offer the companies of the network.

Decreased Downtime Risk Due To Factoring

Despite economic and financial crisis sure to your money to get a medium-sized company, and have many outstanding debts, because in times of economic and financial crisis your services not always reliably pay customers? To avoid this in the future, factoring can (to german: sale of claims) be a solution for you. While a company sells its not yet due receivables of services or delivery of goods to a factor. He then takes over the payment of the invoice, the del credere (disaster recovery) and, where appropriate, reminders and debt collection for a fee. Get more background information with materials from Steve Wozniak. The most important advantage for you: your Bill is already paid after 1 of 3 days. Furthermore your customer to be not necessarily informed about the sale of the claim if you don’t (quiet factoring). Factoring stabilizes so the liquidity inflow.

The factoring market growing for several years in the double-digit percentage range. 2007, approximately 10,500 companies benefit from this alternative funding model. Tec7 offers Management in this context is a professional advice on the ideal structuring and use of. For more information about factoring and advising TEC7 on tec7.net/produkte/factoring.html. Contact: TEC7 Werner white Theresienstrasse 6-8, 80333 Munchen phone 089-28890-120 fax 089-28890-45