Tag: Holidays

Pharaoh Amenhotep IV

So, first think, well Do you know her as a person? Meeting daily at work, you see his head only to the business side, so it is desirable to work hard and learn what they live. What she likes, what her hobbies outside of work, eating habits, beverages, where she spends his free time, etc. Having all the necessary facts, we can make good tea or coffee and safely, step by step, to consider the possible gifts from which to choose and later. Having begun article with references to Cleopatra and Catherine, we will continue this idea by linking it with the choice of gift. The above-mentioned women have played a significant role in history, probably, and your boss in the factory or office is engaged in important business. In this connection, the perfect gift can be a book about a great woman. But it is not easy, and premium design, best of all – exclusive. It is necessary to order a book cover, where a number of great photos to be printed Image congratulate women.

You can add a bookmark original gold color, with some good words such as: "Do you behold a star for two reasons: because it sparkles, and because it is incomprehensible. But near you – shine more delicate and more profound mystery: the woman "(Victor Hugo), below the sign" is always with you, the staff … or personally …. Another option of this kind gifts can be a picture-reproduction of Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" – eternal image of woman-riddle, or the ancient Egyptian queen, wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV of Nefertiti – the ideal image of beauty …

Wedding Videography

The euphoria of low prices is fast, and the disappointment of poor quality remains forever! Professional videographer for wedding video quality will perform the wedding, capturing all the highlights of this exciting wedding event. When watching you dive into the atmosphere that we do not forget the date, time and time again to enjoy the video, the wedding and her best moments. Wedding film will show you the beauty and tenderness of the bride in an elegant wedding dress, groom's confusion, carefully demonstrating calmness and restraint, not hiding his excitement of parents, gay and happy guests, I wholeheartedly congratulate and of those, and more! Wedding The wedding of film MARRIED tells the mystery of the wedding and the decoration of the church. Professional videographer for a wedding forever memorializing all the exciting, joyful and funny episodes of your life. Reportage wedding videography does not require duplicate, unless of course video is not staged and does not provide a re-take, not udavshegosya episode because of various reasons. It is therefore very important that for You were working professionals, a professional videographer for a wedding and a wedding photographer.

Have the video to us, the professionals of the business that owns the art. Angle selection, the layout of the frame, the arrangement of light – Not all that needs to be able videographer at the wedding. Requires not only a thorough knowledge and possession of the record, videosemochnym equipment at the wedding, but feel the atmosphere of the wedding videographers mood of actors and singers at the wedding, the wedding event to be a screenwriter and videographers in one person, treat people with heart and soul, to be able to arrange them for yourself. Just be a little bit teacher and psychologist. During a day of shooting at a wedding videographer recruited a large number of cassettes, professionals refer to them as source material. And now for the cause of accepted experts engaged professional video editing. And to create a large number of parts of a full movie, video clip, clipart, video, commercials, or documentary, put together all events into a coherent whole, a smooth transition from one episode to another, for the professional video editing made the same professional videographer, but in the face of a professional video editor! This flexibility allows you to save design writer wedding videographer during video editing and directing the film does not distort, does not lose its ideological content in a complex technological process.