Give me relief when you’re anxious, you pity me and hear my prayer. Tell if is true that God has? shown his immense mercy to you when there has been anxiety in their homes? Psalm 6, 2: Have mercy on me, o Lord, because I’m sick; Heal me, o Lord, because my bones shudder. do tell if Dios has not healed them when they felt faint? Psalm 9, 13: Have mercy on me, Lord; See my affliction I suffer because of them that hate me, you pick me up from the gates of death his enemies God has not saved them? Psalm 25, 16: Returns to me thy face and have me pity, because I am alone and distraught. Not have you comforted them when they have felt alone and grieving? Psalm 26, 11: I, on the other hand, carry a blameless life; deliver me and pity you from me. Perhaps not has spared them from so many dangers, so many temptations, so many diseases? Psalm 27, 7: Hey, Lord, my voice when I cry unto thee; you pity me and answer me. Not has been the Lord there when we cried him? Psalm 30, 10: Hey, Mr; you pity me. I know you, o Lord, my help! how many times the has been our helper? Psalm 31, 9: I have pity, Lord, I am distressed; the pain is killing my eyes, with my soul, with my body! do not gave us relief when we have been troubled? Psalm 51: Have mercy on me, o God, according to your great love; According to your immense kindness, clears my transgressions. Wash me from all my iniquity and cleanse me from my SIN. I acknowledge my transgressions; my SIN I always have present. Against thee I have sinned only against you, and I’ve done what is evil in your sight; why, your judgment is fair, and your judgment, unimpeachable.