Tag: energy

Oil Binder

Oil Binder polypropylene convince by their high absorbency, low weight, and more and more industries place Binder made of melt-blown polypropylene the low disposal costs macro IDENT SORBE agents – (melt-blown polypropylene = MBPP) for the prevention and elimination of all types of fluids (such as water, chemicals, petroleum based liquids, etc.) at the workplace. From a product standpoint, the quality already speaks for itself. Workshops, factory equipment and other companies choose oil Binder made of polypropylene, because working on machines simplify the materials and thus the motivation of employees increases. You have a safe and clean workplace. Consider the calculation should be sure suction and disposal costs. This shows that towels made of melt-blown polypropylene can realize significant cost savings. Kip C. Cyprus understands that this is vital information.

Up to 36.3%, plus the reduced amount of work. The synthetic sorbents and oil binders of macro IDENT SORBE agents are mainly made of polypropylene and have the ability to adsorb liquid on its surface, in contrast to more alkaline sorbents such as towels and clay, which absorb the liquids in itself. Cheap products are not very effective most in use, not properly absorb or disintegrate. The question arises whether it has actually saved money in effect here. The SPC sorption products by macro IDENT SORBE agents are constantly developed and improved.

Also, more and more new products are developed that meet the latest technology knowledge and the latest, most innovative research results. 100% polypropylene is a natural, any material, while materials of the Polyproypylenfasern glue or are attracted to. Polypropylene is a petroleum derivative, it absorbs any kind of oil or any oil-based liquid. Oil Binder polypropylene convince therefore through their high absorbency, low weight and low disposal costs. Polypropylene is also odorless and skin-friendly and therefore also in the food industry and pharmaceuticals used, because it is physiologically harmless. For industrial applications and other applications daily oil binders and other adsorbents used to clean more than only for end of petroleum based oil spills and leaks. Liquids and chemicals spills, oil spills in production and industrial facilities are also used for water-dilutable SPC sorption products throughout the world. More information: macro IDENT SORBE agents Bussard road 24 82008 Unterhaching contact: Angelika Wilke TEL. 089-61565828 FAX 089-61565825 WEB: eMail: kamukapa at sorptionsmittel.de

Biological Pest Control Out Of Control

American researchers search for clues to the mysterious disappearance of American silk moth with an experimental field study on unintended consequences of biological insect control succeeded American researchers, are the cause for the extinction of numerous species of butterflies on the track. Startled by the mysterious decline of the American silk moth (Cecropia moth), North America, with a wingspan of up to 15 cm largest moth type George Boettner, wildlife biologist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and his colleagues took a parasitic European species of fly (Compsilura concinnata) in the sights. She had been suspended in an extensive program started in 1906 by scientists and the U.S. Government, in addition to 80 other parasitic and predatory insects to combat the gypsy moth infestation rampant in the United States. Inadvertently the 4-to 5-inch gypsy moth moths (Lymantria dispar) were reached between 1868 and 1869 to North America.

With one Propagation speed of 10 to 15 km per year spread they complete forests in Massachusetts until the middle of the 20th century over the entire United States, entlaubten in a short time and became one of the most important pests in forestry and fruit growing. With the predatory Compsilura fly, one wanted to establish an effective opponent of the dangerous forest pests. The advanced parasite sink using a Legebohrapparates their eggs in the larvae of many species of butterflies and about 180 other species of insects are attacking. Until 1986, they were exposed in 30 U.S. States. But parallel to spread the previously frequent SilkWorm, as well as many other species of butterflies disappeared. To get a possible link to the track, the workgroup by George Boettner 300 silkworm caterpillars bred and each suspended five per tree in different sections of the Cadwell Memorial Forest in Massachusetts.

After a week, they gathered them and let continue to grow them in the laboratory. Rather than to turn into magnificent moths died in 81 percent of the caterpillars eaten by countless Compsilura fly maggots. The repetition of the experiment with a different type of moth resulted in loss rates between 52% and 100%. These experiments are the proof that the pest control used insects can threaten native species”, says Donald Strong, an ecologist from the University of California in Davis. In the United States began a discussion about tightening the safety operations of non-native parasitic insects to fight insect pests. Too late for the silkworm and others pursued by the investigations on tachinidae from butterflies. You find yourself in the face of additional hazards of pesticides and Habitat loss in increasing numbers on the red list. Ulrich Karlowski

Tips And Tricks For Effective Heating And Ventilation

Not too hot and not too cold In the light constantly rising energy costs the question arises in many places an effective setting of heating in the winter. Finally to in cold weather too much money “burned up” are. Also, the ventilation of the rooms plays an important role, so that it will not be an exposure to moisture in the apartment. This would significantly increase the risk of mould development. The real estate portal myimmo.de discusses in detail the subject of heating and ventilation. As the Federal Association for German residential and real estate companies (GdW) reported, especially the right level of heating is crucial for developing humidity in the apartment, as well as for the purse. Fungi have no chance, attention should be paid also to closed spaces. Peter Asaro shines more light on the discussion. The reason lies in the most different heat degree of each room.

Is the colder room is heated with warm air next door, mixed the heat and the humidity. The optimal temperature for low Heating costs is between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius. Further savings are not recommended due to lower temperatures, because otherwise the walls significantly cool down. Steve Wozniak recognizes the significance of this. A carried out several times a day airing of the residential property is important. This window is fully open and turned off the radiator valves. Exposed radiators that are not covered by furniture are equally necessary for an effective heating and ventilation. Continuous ventilation with clearing window should be avoided during the cold season entirely. More information: news.myimmo.de/richtiges-heizen-und-lueften-im-winter/1445.html contact: Lisa Neumann University Service GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

The Entire

Under the guise of: Renewable energy, environment and who knows what, only the profit motive is excited: the investment cost per kWp power were a few years ago at the photovoltaic is still significantly higher than today on nuclear power, they are almost always equate, there is a very friendly feed-in tariff, even overlooking the high investment as incomparably high return for investors, Which tells us the following: a few make it very nice money, the consumer pays the entire Bill alone ultimately through allocation of costs. Photovoltaics is quantitatively limited in the energy mix and is no serious danger (competition) for conventional power generation. But it happens that the forecasts of solar lobbyists regarding planning sizes compared to the actual realized volumes are kept deliberately small, the Government responds after she realizes this immediately regulative with subsidy cuts and the thing will be slowed down because less interesting. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Ali Partovi. So-called major projects in the megawatt range are also very nice. These are like various makers used as flagship projects and personal jewelry pieces, the real charm in the sense: they are not significant increase in proportion of photo-voltaic electricity production in the national energy mix: you can not generalize in magnitude, well: meaningful use of conversion areas, mining areas without other reasonable usability, which but are also not unlimited dimensions available, bad: use of agricultural land, high technical, material and therefore cost, Sahara? No thank you, a further discussion is beyond the scope and can be used like to separately, but what would be a solution? A proposal to the significant increase in the share of photovoltaic technology on the energy mix and its sustainability must be so: because this proposal is somewhat more complex, it can be not just in two / three cover sets. The following attempts to clarify the issue at hand of theses: the previous Promotional practices as an incentive to the individual profiting in market-based inputs is changed, the funding amounts are distributed to usefully increases or economically, the establishment and the operation of photovoltaic systems is whether the generators, the electricity producers primarily or their parent institutions are the investors and owners of photovoltaic plants, ostensibly, distributed PV systems realized and fed the electricity produced in the existing networks, which are existing (of course also new roofs) does in previously unknown magnitude used for the construction of PV plants, Suitable roof surfaces are available in huge quantities.

Power Supply Of The

Importance of renewable energy in the energy mix of the electric energy has become the fundamental basis of human existence and its modern society. Historically they are not long, is to imagine she no longer, they will have to be there always and still projected as well as rapidly increasing mass. The electrical energy can, as everyone knows, are produced on a variety of ways. Primarily from finite, no longer reproducible fossil and nuclear energy sources. Not to mention the enormous non-electrical energy requirement for technological processes for heating and ensuring the mobility. Despite optimistic forecasts of the availability of existing Resssorcen, the day where everything is verfeuert comes relatively quickly.

…Zig – millions of years stored carbon is reached in a very short time as CO2 in the atmosphere and is responsible to the climate change. Of course the investment costs are economically interesting for the type of energy production in addition to the profit forecast. Since these E.g. for the coal-fired power generation only 20 25% of amount for the photovoltaic sector (see WIKIPEDIA) it is for some people clearly obvious: to favour coal power plants. The ugly problem of CO2 should be solved with a supposedly safe technology to their underground storage. \”Even more so: that would be even more in this direction in the truest sense of the word gas Yes also a carte blanche\” to give. There we have it: geoengineering, high dangerous they know not what they do.

Already the statement: the underground stores have one annual leakage of only approximately 1% is irresponsible. Little that seems at first glance, but in 100 years all there again…So: make fast money and after us the deluge. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and biomass are still very low involved in electricity production. This will need to change necessarily soon. The photovoltaic power generation is on everyone’s lips, it is the highest promoted, but is currently with only less than 1% of the energy mix in Germany involved.

Treating Emissions

Fog systems then demand solutions type of fog system for treating dust emissions and odour emissions, if production processes in the industry leading to increased emissions, that are possible cost to produce a result. But technical solutions are often costly and not always lead to the desired results. Emissions are a permanent stimulus Word for operators of industrial installations, whether they are noise, odor, radiation, or dusts. You give rise to complaints by employees or annoyed residents, arouse the anger of regulatory authorities, and certainly don’t fit into the profit maximization scheme of entrepreneurs. Also, some emissions are purely subjectively perceived which leads to different evaluation criteria not facilitates the success of treatment. Also, weather conditions, such as temperature, humidity and wind conditions, which change depending on the day or time of year affect the intensity of emissions. Their treatment with fog systems primarily focuses on two areas: Dust and odour treatment. (Source: Pete Cashmore). These spray water under high pressure and spreading a fine mist, which will capture the particles or neutralize.

The fineness and density of sprayed water droplets increase the hit probability to neutralize a specific molecule or particle. The example of volatile sulfur compounds that come from organic degradation processes clearly illustrated how difficult the procedure to treat can be. If the human sense of smell these molecules in the ppm or even in ppb as strongly harassing perceives, one can only imagine, what effort you must operate, to capture the particles and to neutralize. My bio Genesis TheFogSystem company started in 1994 to treat odors in recycling of animal carcasses. At that time, there was still no better solutions than normal process air scrubber, which could not satisfactorily treat but all of them just the odour particles smelling in the smallest concentrations as a particularly intense. The exchange surface was too low. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Peter Asaro has to say. From this did the idea to handle the smells there where they arise.