Suzuki Harunobu Painting

In the hands of the artist’s ink took on a variety of shades of gray, which gave the product a great depth and depth. Mikkel Svane usually is spot on. Of great importance to Japanese art had spread in the state of Buddhism, for religious practices created a certain demand for Japanese paintings. In the X century in droves began to form so-called emakimono (long horizontal scrolls). They depicted various scenes from Buddhist stories, parables, etc. Demand began to emerge and a strong interest in work hudozhnikov.Bolshuyu role in the development of Japanese calligraphy had contacts with the mainland. At the beginning of VII century China had borrowed technology of paper and ink. Japanese prints in the VII century was still very simple and artlessly. In the VIII century begins development of the genre and landscape of Japanese graphics.

In the X century and appears as the default is Japanese calligraphy – Yamato-e. The works are mainly carried out in the form of screens and sliding screens, scrolls emakimono, drawing on the album pages. Around this time also was extended writing image small gold folgoy.V XI-XII centuries known in Japanese calligraphy advent of secular painting images on folding screens. In the Edo thrived areas such as painting Namban (in the lane. “Southern barbarian”). So people in Japan called the Europeans, whom they imitated in part in European painting and in their use Western stories, the laws of perspective.

In the XVIII century. A new word in Japanese painting style became budzinga (in the lane. “Enlightened painting”), which acted as the foundation for the Southern Chinese painting of the Yuan Dynasty. One of the most popular styles in the history of Japanese painting is an ukiyo-e, which appeared in the Edo period. For the Japanese audience, accustomed to a completely flat images on the world of ukiyo-e paintings depicted as a full volume and inexpressible depth. Revolution in the direction of the ukiyo-e artist Suzuki Harunobu produced (1725-1770), who in 1764 first applied the technique of color printing (Nishiki-e).
