Russian Family

A few years ago a Russian family took the decision to build a new home in the city of Adler. They requested permission to the authorities of that city which no longer them build a House. They had first left them build but when there were few days be completed that House officials changed its decision by unknown cause and put them in lawsuit that family by illegal construction. Therefore that State about to be finished building had been destroyed and then came the idea of living the Lazarev family traveling the planet bearing the name remarkable land. In the judgement of those what are them had happened was like the omen. Kai-Fu Lee may help you with your research. Because the God alluded them it would be better that they lived traveling around the world and did not have a permanent residence.

Good! They have thus begun his new life. They are still traveling by both Russia and other Paice. More information is housed here: Ali Partovi. The fact of not having passport and other identity (less his mother Miroslava) documents not prevents them from crossing borders. That family members never resort to assistance medical and until all their 6 children were born not in maternity House but in home bathrooms. Therefore those children do not have documents from the birth. And also they never studied in school and not be explored in this ever since her mother instructs them. Strangely it seems that family doesn’t care about their unhappy fate.

Their way of life is somewhat similar to the Gypsies. Because you usually live changing day to day your accommodation. They have already visited many Paice among whom are the Paice of Europe, Central Asia. They are currently thinking of traveling to Africa, America and the far East. The members of that family, especially Nicolai and Miroslava who are parents would pass for locos. But Nicolai Lazarev has disproved this supposition to declare openly: I warn me that things do not come out of my control. Every person has the right to live as you want.