Marie Games

It is important to repair that, in the definition of the games, the narrative nor is not mentioned. In another one of its articles, intitled ' ' Fear of Failing? The Many Meanings of Difficulty in Games&#039 Video; ' , Juul deals with the difficulty in the games. Quotation Mihaliy Csikszentmihalyi and its state of Flow, the been greater possible of immersion. It is caused by an oscillation constant between the anxiety and the tdio, making with that the game creates difficult situations e, when the player to get the ability necessary to advance of level, the game will create situations of higher level, however, demanding the same abilities of the player. This defines the diversion of the games. A game is good, therefore its gameplay is difficult, it must be missed some times, and then to obtain to make right and to continue. A victory much more significant when is folloied of previous defeats. (JUUL, 2008) It finishes saying that a game is amused by being constantly difficult, challenging, for compelling the player to remake diverse times certain task, until acquiring the ability necessary to obtain to be successful, and not for possessing an involving narrative, that brings the player for inside of history.

According to Juul, the immersion is caused by the state of flow where if it finds the player, and not for being total centered in history. That is, a game and its diversion are made by its playful side, its gameplay, and not for its narrative, after all, is two distinct cultural devices, that do not have to be mixed. Narratologia the narratologia is a study line that, applied to the games, studies the structures narratives of the same, and as to bring new ways to count histories, through the games. Between the narratologistas Marie-Laure Ryan can be cited. Ryan is Swedish PhD in Frenchman, for the university of Utah, and works as studious in the University of the Colorado.