Lower Taxes For Green Cars In Galicia

It has applied a reduction of road tax that reaches 75% in electric vehicles, hybrids or using any other system that respects the environment. This type of cars are up positions on the conventional and a notable increase user interest to them, as a consequence have also increased sales of the same. All these factors have benefited from direct support that the Government has proposed to purchase new cars, and more environmentally friendly. Usually the price of these cars is higher than conventional cars, even enlisting the help of 2,000 to be granted through the Institute Enerxetico de Galicia (undeniable) may stay in a final price which closely approximates that of conventional vehicles the same range. This support may apply to late August, unless the amount for the program is finished before.

Some municipalities like Lugo, Ourense and Ferrol has fallen by 50% road tax to try to encourage the purchase and sale of these vehicles. In Ourense electric or hybrid cars that also have reduced by 50% of the tax, but have also adopted other measures such as replacing cars work of the municipal corporation for a new hybrid, the forecast also replace cars other local police equipped with this technology, and operate the new electric truck for environmental services. Learn more about this with Republic Services. In A Coruna tax rebate ranging from 75% to 50% depending on engine type. In this way the owners of hybrid cars will have a reduction of three quarters of the tax for six years. The reduction of 50% is applied to electric cars that use biogas, energy rated A. In Vigo is where less than this rate has decreased and has reached 7% lowered. But in cities like Santiago and Pontevedra not been implemented so far no discount for cars that pollute less.