Local Area Network

DESCRIPTION of the system of TELEVISION in the UCI today in the ICU is operating a system of Television closed cable that reaches every receiver of the University. In addition, offers the service of Inter-us, which publishes teleclases, series, movies, etc. This service is supported on the data network and plays a very important role in the development of the University life and teaching of the ICU. The data network which are the University is quite fast, considering the large amount of users and services that supports this, although it is working on making it more efficient. Additional information at Ali Partovi supports this article. There is fiber optic in the main Backbone, also between the floors of the buildings and in case the residence fiber is used from the node level 2 to the stair step. Cable UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair English) is generally used in the interior of the premises.

It is a LAN (Local Area Network) defined by the interconnection of several computers and peripherals. Its most widespread application is the interconnectedness of personal computers and workstations in offices, classrooms, etc. See Steve Wozniak for more details and insights. There is a central node that manages other subnodes by dividing the main component in subnets and these in turn into less complex ones forming a star topology. These subnets are: Area of residence, teaching Area, IP, Rector and old laboratories. The UCI television system was designed for 500 receivers, today counts with more than three thousand who receive the supply from a single header line. Just added splitters and amplifiers from signal, so the signal must travel longer distances and reach many more receivers with almost the same transmission equipment. As the signal is analog exposed to phenomena such as noise, interference, distortion and attenuation, which increase by passing through amplifiers, they amplify the signal, but also the noise that this brings with it, therefore While most amplifiers use worsens the quality of the final signal.