Internet Standardization

Opera Company is the creator of the famous eponymous browser. Not long ago, Opera unveiled a new search engine called Metadata Analysis and Mining Application (abbreviated – MAMA). This mechanism has been written based on the Perl language with the addition of MySQL. Not only indexes content of the resource search engine, but also captures the used web technology and its structure. As for their content and the architecture it will look for web-based resources. For example, the new search engine allows you to highlight MAMA sites not less than a thousand references.

Perhaps due to meta-search engines to find statistics about the use MAMA flush on the Internet. Or, for example, count the number of errors of the average markup for the web site. Search engine will allow companies to standardize on figuring out how to actually work their recommendations. Take into account the current network capabilities and the technical preferences of users, developers of Web solutions will be better. MAMA has not yet operational, but the database with three million sites studied, he already holds.

An amusing summary of the Opera has demonstrated on the basis of this base. For example, public web server Apache is used as a basis at 67.7% sites, the server is IIS – in 25.9%. Internet documents reach the normal size of 16 400 characters. Ten most popular HTML-tags organized HEAD, TITLE, HTML, BODY, A, META, IMG, TABLE, TD, TR. All the rules of the consortium on the Internet Standardization W3C, as it turned out, responsible only 4.13% of Web sites.