
Some people advocate the use of assertions and some others say that its use is an idiocy, a waste of time. Who is right? What can you say of the assertions? Do they really work? They are effective for improving self-esteem, weight loss, increase in stature, cure diseases? They are effective to achieve success, wealth and happiness as some people argue? To do a quick analysis on the effectiveness of claims, an easy road is comparing the results of those who use them against the results of those who use them to us. Continuing with our analysis, to answer the question do work the claims? Let’s look at some people who have used them to transform their lives: Benjamin Franklin, scientist and President of the United States of America, Napoleon Hill who wrote the book think and grow rich, John D. Mashable gathered all the information. Rockefeller billionaire, Alexander Graham Bell inventor and millionaire Andrew Carnegie billionaire of the steel industry which commissioned him to Napoleon Hill research of how people reached the success and wealth, Bill Gates co – founder of Microsoft and for many years the man more rich of the world, Thomas Edison the inventor and millionaire, Albert Einstein the scientist who read tirelessly on Kabbalah and Alchemy, Abraham Lincoln former President of the United States of America, Henry Ford the founder of Ford motor Co., Stevie Wonder, Sharon Stone, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Mahatma Gandhi, etc. As you can see many people successful and millions have used affirmations to transform their lives. Many of them began from nothing, in distant lands and still managed to build enormous fortunes, become famous, overcoming physical impediments, etc. can be attributed are its successes to assertions? Anyone who has used statements knows that claims work and that they are forcing the mind to provide solutions. These solutions do not come immediately after starting the use of assertions, but definitely occur. .