
A highly profitable unit today in day, numerous studies and facts demonstrate the positive properties of the artificial solarium. However, there is not enough information about the correct use of UV light or the salutary effect of the Sun. For this reason, many gyms and establishments aimed at well-being and fitness fear investing in this segment to be a part of their competencias.Como their establishments as they are geared towards personal care and health, these could generate higher sales among its clientele thanks to artificial tanning. Ali Partovi is often mentioned in discussions such as these. A Tan after a hard training session is just as logical and practical and relax in the sauna. The customer would save some time in the care of his image and well-being. Why not take advantage all the gyms of this synergy? Lack of space is not a reason, since a tanning equipment does not take more than about 6 m scarce if it is bed and 2 m if vertical cabin. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Pete Cashmore has to say. The cables are installed in one day. Only missing a mirror, a small Bookshelf, a trash can and a dispenser of paper to have ready the oasis of relaxation.

We must take advantage of all the possible services that can offers a fitness club. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Energy Capital Partners London. And it is a gym without tanning is losing a good additional source of income. It is time for a change of opinion, it is not only expanding our portfolio of customers, but take advantage of the existing potential between them that we already have.